GPS tracker available to buy with every new Honda Bike purchased.*

Every rider wants their bike to travel the world - but not without them on it. Having your bike stolen can be a nightmare, and to make things worse only around 40% of stolen bikes are recovered. That’s why a Datatool STEALTH GPS Tracker is available to buy with every new Honda bike at participating dealers. *Fitting cost applies

How it works
- STEALTH activates automatically when your bike is stationary, and monitors it for signs of unauthorised activity.
- If movement is detected STEALTH will send you an SMS.
- If you confirm a theft is taking place, STEALTH will enter alert mode and notify both the dedicated 24/7/365 Vehicle Monitoring Team and the Police.
- Thanks to the instant notification of theft, recovery of the stolen bike is far more likely than when a theft is reported several hours after the event.

All on your phone
Best of all, Stealth can be easily managed from your smartphone. Free iOS & Android apps allow you to remotely access your account, and to locate your bike at any time. It's free to download on iOS & Android and charges just £12.49 a month on a 12 month contract for access to the app and 24-hour call centre.
It also includes a highly sensitive 3D accelerometer which can detect the difference between a fall in a car park and a high speed impact. SMS notifications can be sent to emergency contacts in the event of a high G impact.
The unit has been designed from the ground up to be motorcycle and scooter friendly with a waterproof casing design and ultra-low current draw (0.4ma) to minimise battery drain.

Contact your local dealer
To see the full range of Honda bikes and discover more offers, visit our website or your nearest dealer.